Friday, May 17, 2019

I Shout it Out Loud

At a community open mic called The Bridge, we were challenged to write s song about learning. Have no idea where the idea to take on the Millennial age group as the protagonist came from and I researched what is going on in that world. Here is what I came up with.

Don’t block the driveway
Don’t you park here
Nowhere to go now
There’s a hydrant over there
(It’s a dogs life) 
Where is that streetcar
It’s so late again, 
Look out, that car’s too close
Puddle is splashing
(Dripping wet) 
I shout it out loud 
My face is red 
I shout it out loud 
Frustration I guess 
Or am I dismissed  
I shout it out loud 
What can I change 
What is the lesson here 
What’s the message I’m missing 
I shout it out loud 
I shout it out loud 
I shout it out loud 

Face Book is happy
They don’t have a care
I’m the one that’s shackled
To the merry-go-round here
(Ya nauseous) 
I’ll put on the brakes
Talk good to my brain
Snow my own gatekeepers
Move on out with 808
(Make some noise) 
I shout it out loud 
My face is red 
I shout it out loud 
Frustration I guess 
Or am I dismissed  
I shout it out loud 
What can I change 
What is the lesson here 
What’s the message I’m missing 
I shout it out loud 
I shout it out loud 
I shout it out loud 

Don’t want any handout  
Want space to grow 
Be brave you guardians
Unlock the zoo
Big game guardians
Unlock the zoo
What are you afraid of?

I’ve been locked out      
Give me a chance         
What is the lesson here 
What’s the message I missed                        
I shout it out loud          
I shout it out loud                    
There's a secret deal 
I’m breaking the code 
I own what I know         
I own what I do   
I shout it out loud          
I shout it out loud          
I shout it out loud         
I shout it out loud 

Object Writing May 16-19


90 seconds
….Ground soft, tingly, on my back…. Birds, birds, birds, sing, sing, sing, clover field white and green, crunching with the roll over to look closer at you….

5 Minutes
….You are in the mirror with last nights sleep still hanging on; a drunken friend’s arm around your shoulder….

10 minutes
…..My hands are in my pockets to hug me and hold me. I’m bent a bit from the weather outside and the weather inside……

Object Writing May 15-19

Object Writing based on Pat Pattison’s exercises. Haven’t done it for a few years. Used to do it regularly, on the streetcar, on the way to work, to wake up the brain for the day ahead.

Decided to do it again for a week or so, as prescribed, for exactly 10 minutes, right after sliding out of bed.

May 15/19

Impetuous spray acidy shower – blinking - the smell is distinctly orange as I peel the thick skin from the inner flesh my fat fingers slip a bit on the outer moisture and inner juice that (the) nose knows the smell. My mouth is anticipating the fresh tingle of fruit hitting the tongue and cheeks. I look around sheepishly as some juice is dripping in spite of my careful attention. The airport lounge is echoing with the tiny wheels whining, hushed tones of parents soothing the cranky kids and tap tap of hard shoes and squeak of soft soles on the floor. The cathedral space is reverent. No one wants to make too much of a fuss. Each of us is in our own state of excitement. I’m hungry knowing there is time. Pull out the creaking plastic bag and slide open the re-useable track. There is a red apple. Exchange the thick, soft orange rind for the hard thin skin. Bite in with a pop and another spray, this time another smell replacing the….