Saturday, May 7, 2011

Green Curry and Mango

Heat of the beat
Sweet moves
Multi-coloured swirls of skirts and shirts
Skin grooves
Heavy thump on the one
Snare drum
Fly swatter crack
Once in awhile
Guitar click-a-chick
Sway hips
Gentle flag of the tent top
Cotton lid to this pressure cooker pot
Invisible thick ribbon just below
The nose
Stewed goat, green curry, sweet mango
Everyone drawn in to the sweet sweat
Beat in the heat; big grins
Swing those hips and wag the chin
Let’s go
Goat, green curry and mango

Circus Man©

The circus man said,
“I’ll set myself on fire,
You can watch me burn.
If my light gets low,
Let me know,
I’ll take a drink
And stoke it up again.”©